The Freedom to Choose

What does sober mean to you?

Sober is no more waking up in a stranger’s house with no idea how the hell I got there

It’s no more ruining family Christmas dinners

Or always being the last one to leave the damn party

It’s no more nose bleeds in the shower


Sober is sleep, the kind of sleep I used to get as a kid

It’s always remembering what I did the night before

It’s appreciating the simple things in life

Sober is clarity


Sober is no more watching my life pass by knowing I’m destined for something better

It’s doing the things I loved before I lost myself in the chaos

It’s learning who I am all over again


Sober is the beginning of something epic

It’s chasing my wildest dreams

Sober is the freedom to choose


Sober is acceptance

It’s facing my biggest fears and coming out the other end fiercer and stronger than ever

It’s no more berating myself for being less than perfect

It’s learning to look in the mirror and say, “This is me!”

It’s understanding that not everyone will like me and that’s ok


Sober is no more wondering when my life is going to begin for real

It’s realising that no one is coming to save me


Sober is no more excuses

It’s learning to choose me

It’s realising that it’s all about the long game


Sober is connection

It’s being there for the ones that need me the most

It’s no more looks of disappointment from the ones I love


Sober is rawdoggin’ life

It’s learning to dance in the pissin’ rain

It’s realising that the hard times don’t last

 And it’s keeping going against the odds


Sober is no more avoiding the pain

It’s learning to weather to storm

It’s about making the most out of this one and only life

It’s knowing that whatever happens, I’m gonna be just fine


Sober is saying yes to life

Sober is the freedom to choose

By Lauren Burnison

Lauren Burnison